Category Archives: Programming

Programming Challenge. Day 1. Hello World

So, found this link the other day: Simple Programming Problems I’m going to try and do all of these in Powershell, C#, Javascript and HP OO — Adrian Farnell (@techfrontierUK) December 10, 2013 (Twitter post is me, I accept that, but follow the short link :D)

Powershell nuggets

Just to prove I’m not just an Apple fanboy, here are some great videos for learning Microsoft’s Powershell scripting language. Search YouTube for concentratedDon and gotcha Powershell. Or follow the link I’ll be adding that to my list of things to read and watch. Thanks to Scriptimus for that one.

Free Apple developer books….

Just spotted this out there on the net, you can get all of these as PDFs, but Apple have but them in the native iBook format for free. The titles are: Cocoa Fundamentals Guide The Objective-C Programming Language IOS Application Programming Guide Object Orientated Programming with Objective-C IOS Technology Overview IOS Human Interface Guidelines Little… Read More »