Author Archives: daed

Virtualbox, El Capitan and BootCamping Windows 10

Unfortunately so far, the method I used to use virtualbox to start a Windows Bootcamp Guest at doesn’t work. The main sticking point seems to be attaching the EFI partition to the vmdk file. Any ideas anyone….still trying.

Setting up (pt 1).

This article is the beginning of a series which is an attempt to describe how to setup a simple webapi service on the internet using Azure as the host. We’ll do some normal hosting setup, grab an Azure App Service container , do some coding in Visual Studio and then upload to Azure and run… Read More »

Experiments with C# on a Mac.

Noticing a pattern here….? So task for tonight was to try and run a simple C# app on the Mac and since Microsoft Build ’15, they’ve announced a number of things to help people with any OS use MS tools.

Adventures in Azure

….this is just to show I’m not biased 😉 Here’s the equivalent process I dug out to launch a windows server VM on Azure using a command line on a Mac.